What if…
—> You could wake up everyday feeling vitally alive knowing you can be of service to others with limitless energy?
—> You knew exactly HOW to unleash your innate healing power?
—> You could be happy & present for the people you love NOW and in the future?
Your current struggle…
—> You’ve researched your health condition(s) ad nauseam and crave personalized care to help you feel less OVERWHELMED by all the information out there.
—> You’ve been suffering from chronic symptoms that prevent you from living the quality of life you know you could be living if you could JUST figure out the root of your symptoms.
—> You have you seen countless doctors only to be told there is NOTHING wrong, it is all in your head and/or that your blood work shows that everything is fine.
—> You’ve tried a ‘kitchen sink’ of supplements and STILL aren’t feeling better.
—> You’ve become exhausted trying to find holistic solutions that actually work and are sustainable.
You are intelligent & intuitive. You know your body. Something is not right and you just need expertise to help you feel well again.
I know what it’s like…
—> To be a highly sensitive person in a healthcare system where I don’t feel seen & heard
—> To be health conscious & know that the basics (sleep, eating well, movement & positive mindset) are essential for my well-being yet still choosing self-sabotage.
—> To put myself on the back burner and take care of everyone and everything else first.
—> To be a seeker of truth, intelligent & perceptive yet struggle with finding people & answers I can trust.
It doesn’t have to be this way! I’ve created a program that overdelivers the support you need to make the changes that are necessary for reaching your health goals.
(1) Get an in depth personalized strategy guided by your WHOLE health history & ALL your functional labs
(2) Measure progress with target assessments each step of the way
(3) Learn how to confidently sustain your results based on your lifestyle & specific needs as they arise
(4) Work with an honest & transparent practitioner, someone who takes the time to listen attentively to your concerns & deeply cares for your inner fulfillment & holistic transformation
Six Month Wellness Program Includes:
All functional labs & analysis // Personalized & Unlimited support (Follow-ups every other week & message me anytime with questions!)
How It Works:
In this phase we will reduce your overall toxic exposure & improve your body’s detoxification pathways. (LABS: comprehensive blood work panel, organic acids)
We will identify deeper hormone imbalances & shift your body into a regenerative/resilient state.(LABS: sex hormones, adrenals/ cortisol)
How It Works:
In this phase, you will balance your intestinal microbial environment, eliminate digestive distress, reduce inflammation & optimize nutrient absorption. (LABS: digestive analysis, food sensitivity testing)
You will learn how to restore your nervous system, apply targeted nutrient therapy & develop a personalized framework to help you thrive based on your specific genetic blueprint. (LABS: functional genomics)
We will restore & optimize your body's ability to physically/mentally/emotionally adapt to present & future stressors. (LABS: sex hormones, adrenals/ cortisol)
Your will learn to recognize & shift the messages you subconsciously feed your mind/body in order to live your best life!
(TOOLS: Exercises/tests/prompts, guided imagery, autosuggestion)
The transformation begins when you decide that you are WORTHY of investing in. Then, let’s partner to take care of the rest!
My Why // Credentials
I worked 9+ years searching for a better way to deliver the level of care I know you deeply desire & deserve.
I crave to live my own best life & inspire & spark others to do the same.
I am on a mission to spread the message that we have everything we need already within us. It is my life’s work to help you unleash your innate potential.
Dimpi Patel, ND, BSc. Biology & Cross-Cultural Health Sciences // Background in Ayurveda & TCM